
What are Injectables?

Look years – even decades – younger!

As we age, our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat and the “plump” look of our youth. Since the facial muscles are then working closer to the skin surface, our smile lines and crow’s feet become more apparent. That’s where injectables and dermal fillers come in.


Injectables and dermal fillers can be used to help diminish facial lines and restore volume and fullness in the face, and are best used to:


  • Plump thin lips
  • Enhance shallow contours
  • Soften facial creases and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of recessed scars


Injectables and dermal fillers can be extremely effective in helping to reverse early signs of aging, or as a value-added part of skin rejuvenation treatment.

Smiling woman with green eyes looking into camera with out of focus background
Smiling blonde woman looking into camera with white background
Woman laying down wearing white headband while person in gloves uses syringe on her forehead

How They Work.

Injectables are medications that are injected under your skin to treat problem areas. At IOIO Studio, we administer the injectables with very small needles, so you remain completely relaxed during the entire procedure.


We offer two of the most popular injectables for your convenience:

  • Botox®, the most popular injectable treatment in the world for lines and wrinkles on the forehead and eye area
  • Kybella®, an innovative injectable treatment for double chins


If you have any of the following signs of aging, our injectables may be right for you:

  • Horizontal lines on the forehead
  • Horizontal crease between the eyes
  • Crow’s feet
  • Excess fat under the chin (double chin)

What’s the cost?

You can win the battle of aging without surgery! Injectables have helped millions of men and women around the world, and now you can get the same incredible results at IOIO Studio.


The cost of injectables is based on the product that is used as well as the amount needed to achieve the best possible results. After your complimentary consultation, we are better able to provide you with a cost of treatment.


We accept cash, personal checks, and major credit cards. We can also work out a payment plan for you, if needed, breaking down packages to affordable payments with each visit.


So if want to look younger and more vibrant, you should consider injectables at IOIO Studio. To schedule your complimentary consultation, just give us a call at (216) 633-7569, or fill out the appointment request form below.

Man and woman pose for shot woman looking into camera holding man's face in black and white
Woman with straight hair looking into camera in black and white